Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Woody is at it again!

So, I'm working in my home office, and I look out, and who do I see? My friend, Woody Woodpecker...Kinda funny, he looks at me through the window, and starts to sing/chirp. As soon as I stand up, he takes off, so in order to capture him, I have the D3S w/ 200-400 mounted on the Flashpoint CF Tripod aimed at him. As soon as he lands on the branch, watching the window, i hit the shutter and fire off 40+ frames to get him.
Kinda fun toying with the bird...btw, the holes he making in the dead branch are leaving piles of wood chips on the ground, and the hole is perfectly round, quite amazing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Perfectly gorgeous shots of Mr. Woodpecker!! You have a great deal of patience. These are wonderful!