All images: Nikon D3S, 200-400 AFS-VR
I was up early this morning, so around 5:45 in decided to head over to McKee-Beshers Wildlife Refuge to shoot Blue Heron. It's still early spring, and the water levels are not very high in the swamps, so naturally I didn't see one...It's so quiet out there, all you hear are the birds and frogs screaming, and I mean SCREAMING. One day I should record the sounds, it's eery loud...Came across the family of Geese, and PaPa Goose wasn't very happy with me being there...We had words, but all he did was stick out his tongue and hiss..Saw these birds with blue backs, and had to fire off some frames, turns out they are Tree Swallows (thank you Moose)
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