Sunday, January 18, 2009

Inaugural Week Events - Friday January 16 2009

Magic Johnson & Samuel L. Jackson

Gabrielle Union, B. Smith, Samuel L. Jackson

I'll be updating the blog over the next week, as I stumble in late at night after shooting Inaugural events here in the Nation's Capitol. I began on Friday at the home of Debra Lee, Chairman & CEO of BET Networks, who hosted a party for this year's BET Honrees, who include Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Tyler Perry, Mary J. Blige, B. Smith, Judith Jamison and Congressman James E. Clyburn. Actress Gabriell Union, Singers Anthony Hamilton, Anita Baker and actor Samuel L. "Pork Chopes taste Goooood" Jackson were also in attendance. Needless to say Washington DC is in lockdown mode, so for those of you reading this from afar, stay inside, stay warm, and sit back in front of your big screen TV.

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